Friday, April 23, 2010

The beginning of the end/ANZAC Day

With ten months down and two to go, I reckon this is certainly "the beginning of the end".

Aussie fact: "reckon" is a completely normal term in Oz. It sounds exactly the same in Aussie ears as say "I believe" "I think" etc. Whereas for us, we classify "reckon" as a bogan (hillbilly) term... I guess I'll be a little hick for a while!

These lasts consist of locational, personal and legal ;) things... better make 'em good!
This week was great: spent quality time with my Aussie bros, had some girl time with Mags and Rhian, Maca got New Moon :):), epic pasta night, and so so much more!

Watched Lion King with Ben
Truly a classic, hey Video Ezy guy??
Girl time in Caloundra
Rhian's amazing bday camera!!
Yes, there's a couch on the coffee rocks
at Moffat Beach... sweet photoshoot
My first OIAJ!!!
For all you non-food blog readers:
Oats In A Jar :)

Pasta night and 1 ginger ale vodka, thanks!
We live in walking distance, no worries
Love you girls
My brotha's from motha's down unda!
I hope this never changes :)
Picture removal!!! I almost posted a picture of 
Mags and me doing super secretive bday pressie execution!
Good thing I caught that one!

Yes, that is a Greek Menu! 
I love Greek food!
A few of my gang
BWS for now but not for long!
(Beer Wine Spirits)
Three Twilovers and the newest movie=
Double fisting it? 
Strictly in celebration of New Moon ;)
Uh oh..

More breakfast eats:
Egg white oaty pancake! Yumm

Happy Anzac Day!!! Anzac stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corps - this day would be the equivalent of our Memorial Day yet much more patriotic. A normal Anzac Day consists of a dawn memorial service, morning nap, big breaky, start drinking before noon, head to your local RSL Club (Returned and Services League) and play 2-up until you've lost all your money. Wahoo!! We took parts in bits and pieces :) We had a few girls spend the night, went to the 4:15 am -yes that's AM people- service to support our Army bro, Tate, went home and napped for a few hours, had an amazing breaky, then the girls headed to the RSL where they won 2-up every round!! I, on the other hand, opted for a relaxing day at the beach with Cat and then saw "Date Night" that night - sooo funny! I love Aussie holidays!

4am - arrive at dawn service
I thought the sun was supposed to rise at dawn?

My Aussie roomies for life - love
these four more than I can explain...
they are my family
Oh theeeeeere's the sun
Can you find me? Peek-a-boo!

We got home around 6 and slept.....
After waking from our nap, breaky time!
Fruit, yogurt, ham (triple smoked), cheese,
toast, croissants, jam = YUM!

The girls headed up to the RSL and I did some Mooloolaba relaxing on the sand. The weather is amazing right now - thank goodness! Absolutely loving it and soaking it up :)

Can you spot the sailboats and plane?
There were fighter jets in honor of the day
And helicopters to keep the
sharks away, thank you!
Phew, exhausting week but very good! Trying to keep myself busy but miss you guys terribly - can't even explain! I'm so thankful for the time that I have had here and trying to take advantage of the couple months left. BIG weekend coming up - Maca's 21st! Till then, love you!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy 21st Rhian!!!

Falling in love with Autumn ;) 

Fact: "Fall" is a strictly American term. All other English speaking countries only refer to the season as "Autumn". No one ever questions which country I'm from! I just try to make that a good thing :)

Boys and Girls, it has been cold here!!! Okay, maybe not cold but certainly chilly. Chilly enough that I thought to wear Ugg Boots on a walk with Mags the other night. (Wait, OJ has UGG's?? I know I know, how hypocritical but I'm loving them!) Well, found out halfway through the walk that it is definitely not Ugg whether yet... I was hot! Hah but we took the beach-side home so our shoes came off anyway. Woah - what a walk! We walked up to the canal, along the Warf, to the path up towards The Spit, and then took way to the sand walking back. Everything about it was stunning... the clean cool breeze, the glassy ocean water, even Mooloolaba seemed to have gone on Holiday. There was a saxophonist playing in the streets - now you won't see that twice in our town! It was just one of those nights :)
Playing with nature
Gorgeous marina behind the warf
Hi Mags :)
This is where the big bucks are...
I love Mooloolaba Beach so much
Looking towards Point Cartwright
Mags and me, M'ba in the background
Breathtakingly beautiful
The saxophonist!
Excitement of the weekend:
And her birthday festivities were a blast! (Rhian is Maggies boss at Kikki.K for those of you who've missed a few posts ;) ) She and her mom got their makeup done at the plaza in the afternoon and picked us up from there. We went to her house where she and the fam finished getting ready, had some live entertainment, and headed to the venue. The bar was called Forty Five 51 and it was perfect! There was a lounge area and a dance floor - one of Rhian's brothers is a DJ so he kept the party hopping :) (Along with a generous bar tab!) Everyone had a great time - it was definitely a birthday to remember
Getting myself ready...
Tara getting Rhian ready :)
Luke (Rhian's younger brother) entertaining
us with the didgeridoo <-- read about it
Listen to it
Mags, me, bday girl Rhian, Tara (Rhian's friend)
Rhian's older brother, Adam, showing us how it's done
Oh and you know... I do a little DJing here and there ;)
Sweet Mags and me
Happy Birthday!!!
YUMMY cupcakes
Friend, James, from summer classes was there!
Small world...
Boredom on the bus ride home
Perfect conclusion to an awesome night :P
Of course I love a good party but if there is one thing I like more, it is cooking! And, let me just say, I have been a cooking FOOL lately! Just a few things: numerous oatmeal creations, salmon patties, oatmeal/egg white pancakes, and (featured below) homemade soy sauce and french toast breaky!
Soy Sauce ingredients:
Bals. vinegar, olive oil, white ground pepper, beef bouillon,
ground ginger, garlic and chili powder, chinese 5 spice
Critique: Very good but not terribly soy sauce-y. 
Excellent on my brown rice and veggies though :)
Hands down, best creation of my lifetime!!!!!!!!!
Homemade French Toast

Tada! Let's see, we have:
French Toast: Egg whites, tonsss of cinnamon, ground ginger, vanilla extract
Topped with...
Fruit: Apples sauteed in cinnamon and butter :) then nuked with bananas for 20 seconds
Sauce: 1/2 Justin's Almond Butter Pack, milk, maple syrup --> nuked 20 seconds, whipped
I cannot wait to come home and make my creations for my family :D Now, I can't take all credit. Most meals that I make are generally one or a combination of recipes with some OJ modifications. Mmm but I sure do love putting them together.

So I think that's it? We're on to uni week seven out of 13... more than halfway done! Once again, proud to announce that I'm still ahead of the game and feeling pretty good - got a few good grades back already too! Yahoo! Just need to start exam studying before the time slips away from me. And, if you can believe it, 11 weeks until I'm HOME! That seems so short after nine and a half months have passed. My oh my and what a wild ride it's been. I can't imagine all that I've learned but I guess time will tell for that one.

I love each and every one of you dearly and think of you daily. Thank you for remaining involved in my life when I'm more than a lifetime away :)