Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The WRITE time to get in GEAR

Yes, this week consisted of uni and driving excursions (and work injuries but I couldn’t figure out a clever way to incorporate it into the header…).

The first week of uni is strictly lectures. If you remember, classes here are broken into two parts – one lecture and one tutorial per class. With the lecture the entire class is in a lecture theater for, usually, two hours. The tutorials are separate, hands-on time with between 15-25 students in a tutorial room. Things went well this week – lots and lots of work ahead though! This semester I really want to focus on staying on top of my courses… gotta keep that scholarship!!!

We had heard that there are 3,000 more students enrolled this year and, let me tell you, it is PACKED OUT! Parking is a mess, library is way over-crowed and the lecture theaters are packed to capacity… it’s amazing what a difference it is from last semester. So that has certainly been a challenge but it is great for the uni. Always an upside J

On Tuesday Mags and I headed out to Caloundra to get her car serviced… it turned into much more than a simple trip to Caloundra and back!

Mags and I sporting our native foods!

Rosehip for Mags & Grits for me

Mags and her ADORABLE tiny 
car at the dealership

I had never been to Caloundra but had heard it was the CafĂ© Capital of the Sunny Coast. Obviously we had to check it out! We went for a self-walking tour (it’s not very big) and ran into, none other than, CAT! Yay! I love it when stuff like that happens. We chitchatted for a bit and she directed us to the beach. Gorgeous shore – quite, clear and big. We headed back into town and, instead of coffee, indulged in gelato! It was absolutely amazing… yum yum yum! Do we have a gelato shop in Cola??

Beautiful Caloundra

Kitten !

Kings Beach - looking like a day trip

Yummy Italian Gelato
We jumped in the car thinking it was time to go home but, not so much… I was driving and somehow missed the exit (figures!) and were heading towards Noosa. We could have easily turned around but, hey, why not make a day of it?! Mags and I love love love Noosa and had a lovely dinner in Sunshine Beach. Remember Sunshine Beach? Yes, that’s where mom, dad and Jessi got the beach house when they were here! We went for a visit and found out it’s for sale!!! I know where I’m retiring too! I wonder how much a down payment would be…
Oh just driving along...

Whoop, NOOSA??
Anyone recognize this 
house on a hill?
The view...
Mooshka = dindin

Finally headed home and prepared for another day of uni. I know the weather is not the most exciting topic but they weren’t lying when they said summer is wet season. Rain rain rain rain…. It, quite literally, has not stopped raining for 48 hours. Hoping for no flooding in Mooloolaba!

Raining on the way home...

Next order of business… work injuries! I’ve gotten my fair share of burns and little cuts but Thursday made things interesting. I shattered a glass and, as it fell, sliced my knee and middle toe pretty badly! Oh goodness, well most of you know about my needle and blood traumas… EMBARRASSING! If you don’t, I dependable pass out and/or throw up if one or the other occurs.

Just to make the story legit, I'll give some details. I didn’t notice that I was bleeding at first - I was walking to the back to get a broom when I felt something dripping down my leg and my flip-flop was getting slippery… and it was all down hill from there. I can’t go into more detail without feeling queasy but I will say, I did not pass out OR throw up – success! I just laid on the ground in the back until my face returned to a normal color… I was telling my dad this story and he goes, “Ah you’re so pathetic!!!” Haha thanks daddy ;) but, yes yes this I know.

Icky icky! And this was hours later - still bleeding!!!

Between shifts, lunch date with

Starbucks and...

 the ocean :)
The only type of bird I like - 
Bird of Paradise

Well guys, I’m sorry for the delay this week but I was feeling severely blog-blocked! I’ve had the pictures just waiting for the writing for a while but, no worries now, back on track J

Maybe if I had Maggie's Kikki.K/Ikea room 

I'd be good to go ;) Isn't it pretty??

I’m sure I’ll have something new and interesting for you soon enough! You can feel encouraged in winter that, even in my summertime, Sunny Coast Australia is cold and rainy… I guess we all can’t win! Love you dearly dearly

Friday, February 19, 2010


For all of you oh so ignorant Americans ;) from the Aussie-slang dictionary, "crook" means sick.
Shout out to Anna Leary for the reference:

I should look into the origin of the word... I can't get where that one came from, but who really understands those Aussies anyway?? And just imagine in a strong Oz accent "Oi, I'm feeling me crook mate!" Very very confusing... Feeling much better now though - let's hope those sinus's stay nice and clear :)

This week consisted of heaps of healthy home cooking starting at Cat's house...

Chili and whole wheat rolls :)
Ick! Cat got a bird!!!!
Hehe you get it... Cat got a bird ;)
Night #2: 
Mags wok and my fish taco

Yummy Mags!
Reading fiend!!!! 
I'm in the middle of "The Almost Moon"
very interesting - she's the author of "The Lovely Bones"
It was COLD!!!!
Wet season means lots of rain...

This week also consisted of arts and crafts! Maca has been working on her very extensive 21st birthday cards - they are amazing! And, as I last said blog, Mags got a job at a Swedish stationary store, Kikki K and has developed an interest in decorating... her room is slowly becoming Sweden #2! That's a compliment Mags ;) And I made a very special card as well - good thing I had Maca and Mags to help me out!
'So You Think You Can Dance?' Australia
and below are my two favs :)
Here it is - my official place of work!
Dinner #3:
MEXICANA salsa/guac &
homemade tortillas with spinach

The rain has severely slowed Mags and my beach excursions but, gasp, all sun today!!! We were very excited and headed right to the ocean this morning :) So here are your well-deserved beach pics... Mooloolaba is as breath taking as always!

Mags getting her tan on...
don't worry, we always wear sunscreen!
Some swimming/surfing/paddle event - 
M'ba won!
I'm sailing away...
Gorgeous Point Kartwright!
I'm about due for a picnic
I love a beach town

Very good week - good food, good weather, good paycheck... oh yeah! 
Oh and BIG NEWS:: Mags and I booked a sailing trip over Fall break! We'll be Great Barrier Reefing it for five days... whoop whoop! Aaaaaand uni classes start on Monday! I can hardly believe we're going back already... This semester I want to be really focused on staying on top of my classes. Good goal, right?? ;)

Nearly bedtime for me but have a wonderful weekend world - I love you all!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Vday 2010!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Now, before I continue, I must justify my delay... I strongly contemplated blogging on Thursday but I realized that I just didn't have any good pictures yet. And with Valentine's Day just around the corner... well, you know ;)

So anyway, pictures may have been lacking, but events have not! Last week was filled with work work and more work :) YAY! The job is for real tough but I'm really enjoying it... keeping me on my toes. Even when I'm not at work, I'm still writing letters, calling business and I'm currently working on a yearly action plan. So yes very busy... I will have to get pictures from work in asap - the cafe is so cute! 

I finally got my Zumba in! Mags, Maca and I have had quite the time learning latino dance moves and breaking a sweat - it is SUCH a good work out. I love it :) Mags and I also went a two hour walk last Friday. We got a few suburbs down when it started pouring. I'm sure it was hilarious watching us run for cover but the rain was much faster than us... but ehh we were sweaty anyway. We called and called the roomies for a ride home but, no luck. It was quite a walk home!

After this "exciting" walking, sweaty, rainy experience I was in the mood for.... a BigMac!!! Those you know me the best know that I have one hamburger a year and it is always a BigMac - this was my fourth annual and it was great! Fulfilled for another year :)

Contemplating my decision...

Random excitement - gecko in the bedroom!! Fortunately Maca took care of it... Thanks Mac :D
Just a baby!
The week ended with Karaoke (very tough word to spell...) Night at O'Malleys! Unfortunately there was no singing from us - we didn't want to show the others up ;) But really, they were quite good! The night ended with a DJ so very good all in all - or so I was told... Hmmm 
He was so good!
Sunday Session
Moving on! The week continued with heaps of work and Zumba! Maggie and I go for walks and to the beach quite often and I always intend on bringing my camera but I forget... I will try harder from now on. The beach is so beautiful - you deserve an updated picture. 

Valentine's Day was full of excitement! It started off at the Cotton Tree Markets and then skateboarding with Ben - HAHAHA Ben asked if Mags and I wanted a go and, why not? It was so fun! I had no idea I would be so keen on skateboarding - even if I was freaking out the whole time :/ Still, very good experience. Mags and I are basically pros now ;) 

Smoothies in Cotton Tree :)
Mags needed a little help at first...
Go Maggie go!
Steady now...
Sk8r girls:

True gangstas of the hood

We went home and chilled for a bit - literally. We were dripping with sweat when we got home, it was unbelievably hot today. In the mid 30's for sure, 90's Fahrenheit. Phewwww! We had a bbq in the evening with a few others. My boss made these $40 Hamper Packs for Vday - it was sooo much for so cheap! 2 x: wraps, sushi,  pasta, salad, fruit, yog(h)urt, muesli (oats/granola), muffins and Vitamin Water. Super sweet deal :) The others went out afterwards but Mags and I held back - she's skyping her parents and I had a blog to put up! Keeping my priorities straight ;)

Reptile #2!!! Massive Iguana!
Cute cute Hamper Packs
In the front yard of our lovely unit :)

Beautiful Mooloolaba!
The group
My nearly rescued puppy....
Fortunately it's owner FINALLY
showed up... I selfishly a little sad.

I think that about sums up the past week a half... Mags and I are taking her car to be serviced tomorrow and beaching it. Oh, and I have been reading reading reading! Loving it - I'll post a pic of all my books next :) I'm sure a few more exciting things will come around, but you'll just have to wait for that! I love y'all tons - missing you more than ever


P.S. Sorry about the unnecessary underlining... I'm not sure what the deal is